“Take Care of Your Home & Take Care of Yourself:
Caring for Your Home as a Tool for Self-Care”

I am absolutely proud to present the guidebook written in collaboration with psychologist Dr. Maria Francesca Basile (without whom, I admit, I don’t know if I would have ever had the courage to write!).

This guide is a journey through the home that bridges psychology and interior design, highlighting how these two fields are profoundly interconnected and should always be combined when decorating a home!

Your home reflects who you are, and you can tell your story through it!

In a fast-paced and increasingly stressful world, creating domestic environments that represent us, support us, and can change with us is paramount, as this is the only way we can truly rest and recharge to face “the outside world”!

What will you find in the guidebook?

The guidebook aims to help you understand how connected we are to our homes and how we influence each other.

You will find insights and suggestions to help you create a home designed with intention and awareness that truly represents you, supports you, and makes you feel good.

Click on the picture to buy the bookguide

The guide consists of two distinct parts: the first discusses basic concepts like change and decluttering (but not only!), while the second analyzes the home room by room in detail, with insights that can help you unleash your essence and creativity in creating your home, your oasis of peace.

Here’s the table of contents to give you a better understanding!




Chapter 1. Embracing Change: changing without fear.

Chapter 2. Decluttering: the art of letting go.

Chapter 3. The desire for color: the importance of colors in our environments.

Chapter 4. Feng Shui Tips.


Chapter 1. The entrance: the threshold between the outside and inside, between exterior and intimacy.

Chapter 2. The living room: a relaxation space for well-being together and alone.

Chapter 3. The office: working from home comfortably and functionally.

Chapter 4. The kitchen: the place where we nourish body and mind.

Chapter 5. The bedroom: the room where intimacy and rest meet.

Chapter 6. The bathroom: the room where your well-being is essential.

Chapter 7. Outdoor space (balcony, terrace, garden): a small oasis at home!

Chapter 8. Some more general suggestions for all spaces.




The story behind this guidebook

I want to share this story with you because I find it beautiful and unusual!

It’s a story about how values and energies can be a determined connector, even from afar.

You should know that Francesca and I have never met “in person,” only online!

She used to follow my YouTube channel and occasionally commented on some videos.

Then, one day, in March 2022, I decided to bear a contest, asking my followers to send me photos of what they had created based on my content.

I would then survey to evaluate all the submissions, and the most voted entry would win a half-hour free consultation.

Francesca was the only one to participate, and therefore she obviously won!

During the video call, we hit it off and continued to stay in touch, developing a beautiful friendship, even from a distance.

Then, in January 2024, during a conversation with a colleague who specializes in color psychology, I was struck by an idea: psychologists and architects/interior designers should collaborate to create environments that genuinely promote well-being.

So, I called Francesca and asked her what she thought.

She liked the idea but pointed out that it wouldn’t be easy to implement, partly due to ethical considerations.

However, she suggested “showing” people how our two worlds intersect through Instagram live sessions!

So we did just that; we held nine sessions until the end of July 2024, and people truly appreciated them, which makes us very grateful.

However, we didn’t want all our work to disappear into thin air, so we decided to follow the Latin motto: “Verba volant, Scripta manent”, and, using our live sessions as inspiration, we wrote this guide!

How to use the guidebook

This guidebook is meant to be a practical and effective tool.

For this reason, at the end of each chapter, you will find specific suggestions from both psychology and interior design, along with a space just for you to jot down your reflections, write what resonates with you, and how you want to implement it in your home!

It’s a guidebook that you can revisit over time whenever you feel that you are changed and that your home needs to change with you. Perhaps some insights you dismissed the first time will resonate with you the second time.

We want to emphasize that these are general suggestions; nothing is “set in stone”.

Some ideas may resonate, some may not, and others you might need to adapt to your needs!

Take care of your home and take care of yourself in the way only you know how to do, and when you feel that something isn’t going as you’d like, reach out to us!

We are ready to help you.

Virginie & Francesca

This post is also available in: Italian