Today I would like to see how best to decorate the living room since it is one of the areas of the house we live in most and is where we receive guests.

The living room should represent us, and be inviting and comfortable.

To do this: there are at least 10 things you can’t miss to decorate your living room beyond the style, or mix of styles, you choose.

Let’s see them together in today’s video!


Every living room should have green plants.

Not only do they make the environment more inviting, luxurious, and cozy, but they are also highly beneficial in terms of health by absorbing harmful substances.

(If you are interested, here you can find my interview with Simona Borgia: aka Nina urban gardener)

Plants help give that warm touch to the room.

It also has a psychological function: it makes you feel more in touch with nature making you happier.

If you have a black thumb or think you do, you should know that there are many kinds of plants, and some are really easy to care for (again, in the video, Simona tells about this).

Plants with colorful flowers will also give a touch of color that doesn’t hurt.

Also, depending on their size or the type of pot you choose, the plants can be actual decorations!


(Brianne Penney)                                                                            (


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A soft rug with colors and patterns that match the style of the rest of the room will help warm the room.

Its softness underfoot will help you relax.

Good design is not only about aesthetics; but also about how you experience it and “taste” it with all your senses, including touch.

All to create cozy, intimate, and comfortable settings.

You should always feel welcomed and comfortable!

Pay attention to its size: it must accommodate the sofa and any armchairs or ottomans, creating a kind of environment within the environment; this will help create atmosphere.


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(mk.nordik)                                                                                              (


With the right color, shape, and size, the coffee table will be the link between the various elements of the room and make it more complete.

If you then put together several coffee tables, different in color or shape, you will create original compositions that can give that extra touch to your living room!

It also will be really very functional, because you can place decorative objects on it, and/or trays with food for your guests.


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It is necessary to put something personal so that you always feel represented and at ease.

Without these, the room may be beautiful, but definitely colder and less inviting!

It can be anything from your favorite books to photographs or paintings, a vacation memory in short, something that has deep meaning for you.

They will give an idea of your personality!


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Curtains complete the room and give it character by introducing different colors and wanting patterns.

Remember to hang them high, just below the ceiling, to not suffocate the room, because otherwise, they will shrink it (this is one of the mistakes usually made decorating a home, here I tell about the others too!).


(amber interiors)                                                                                        (


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Adding pillows to your sofa has a dual function:

comfort -> when you sit down, you may need extra support for your back, or maybe you want to take a nap, and it’s helpful to be able to use something soft and cozy!

decorate -> in fact, with pillows, you add textiles, patterns, and colors, giving a bit of liveliness and movement.

All without huge “commitments”: the pillows are indeed easily changed.

You may want to change the pillows slipcovers for each season, giving your living room a new look each time!


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(studio megee)                                                                                         (studio megee)


Mirrors add style and elegance to the living room.

Not only, if properly placed, they optically expand the space, but more importantly, brightness by reflecting light!

They can be placed anywhere, even on the floor, if very large!


(Lauren Miller; design Meg Cassidy creative)                                        (


(Vanessa Valderrama)                                                                               (


Vases are versatile objects; they can be used alone or with a flower arrangement.

You can find them made of a variety of materials, such as glass, terracotta, or metal, and can also have very different shapes and sizes.

They add color and movement to the environment, or they can be perfect allies to create harmony and balance, which are basic concepts for decorating the home: I talk about them here!


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Finally, although they may not seem essential, there are still 2 things that, if used to decorate the living room, will give it warmth and coziness:


Candles help to warm the room and make it more intimate and inviting.

And since to experience it at its best, you have to live space with all your senses, using scented candles will help even more to make you feel comfortable and relaxed!


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Adding blankets just placed right on the sofa, almost as if they were thrown, again helps warm the room.

They are perfect for adding color and a different texture to the sofa.

Like pillows, they are easily changeable depending on the season and, except in summer, can wrap and warm you up while watching a movie or reading a book!


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Would you add something to decorate your living room?

Let me know in the comments!!!

For any doubt don’t hesitate to contact me!

Drywall, how to use it at home?

There are at least 7 possible ways to use this highly convenient and versatile material!

But first of all, what is drywall?

These are panels or boards composed of gypsum and cardboard sheets; they have a standard width of 120cm and a height ranging from 200 to 350cm.

Thickness varies according to use, although 13mm is the most common.

There are sheets with good acoustic and thermal insulation properties, or fireproof or even water-repellent.

The use of this material has several advantages:

– quick and easy processing due to the panels.

There is no need for mortar; the panels, which you can cut with a simple cutter, are screwed to a galvanized steel frame.

The joints would then be grouted, and the whole thing prepared to be painted like a regular wall.

Its ease of installation makes it practical for concealing systems, thus, avoiding making tracks in walls or “leveling” any imperfections or edges.

– cleaning.

The pieces are virtually ready to use: there is no use of bricks or mortar, raising thus very little dust, so once the work is done, ordinary cleaning will be enough.

– customization.

Due to the ease of workability, it is very suitable for custom fabrications: you can have curved shapes, put doors or add integrated lighting.

– ease of removal.

The ease of installation is also found in its eventual removal.

– costs.

Drywall work has a lower cost than the same work done, however, with wood or brick.

Of course, there are some disadvantages, but minimal:

– heavy impacts.

The slabs are resistant at the surface level and can withstand medium-slight impacts, but certainly not strong ones; the slab can be dented or ruined if you give it a hard blow!

– weights.

Paintings, shelves, or chandeliers may be too heavy: there are special hooks and dowels to put them.

For heavier loads, some dowels can be attached to the framing.

Well, now that we have seen what it is and what the advantages and disadvantages of drywall are, let’s also see how to use it in the home!

– One of the most common uses is as a FALSE CEILING.

A drywall ceiling will allow the use of recessed spotlights or LED strips.

Excellent use in transition areas or perhaps to optically divide two different functionalities in the same room, such as the open-space kitchen and living room or the entrance that gives directly onto the living room.


(credit cose di casa)

– Use of RIB.

It is always a ceiling use, only this time it is not fully covered, but only the perimeter part.

Perfect for creating ambient lighting

It could be a great idea to emphasize an impressive ceiling because LED strips can be put on it that light upward.

Depending on the width, it will also be possible to put spotlights pointing downward.


(credit Tavan Dekor)

– WALL constructions.

It can replace bricks for wall construction to divide rooms.

That is convenient if you have to do this division when you already live in the house.

The ease of installation and cleanliness of the work makes this intervention really not invasive.

(credit cose di casa)

– Construction of DIVISIONS.

It is not always necessary to divide an entire wall; sometimes, a small wall or just a portion is enough, perhaps with an open opening to let light and look flow.



– CUSTOM furniture.

Its versatility allows the construction of cabinets, bookcases, wall units, and niches…

Really with a bit of imagination, you can do anything!

In the bedroom, for example, it can become an original wall with illuminated niches that will also serve as a support.

Or, if the room is large, you can create a walk-in closet.

Last week I was talking about mansards: drywall would become an incredible ally on that occasion!

Also great for taking advantage of an open understairs!

(credit El mueble)

(credit decor Style)

– fireplace COVERING.

If you have a fireplace in your home, lining it with drywall will give it a contemporary appeal.

If, on the other hand, you do not have it with drywall, it will be possible to put in a bioethanol one, that does not require a chimney, adding charm to the living room.



– creations of small MEZZANINE.

Especially in tiny houses, taking advantage of every inch is really vital.

Creating some small mezzanine in some areas where the ceiling is higher could be convenient for additional storage space!

(credit Cose di casa)

(credit Cose di casa)

Have you used it yet? Let me know how and where in the comments!

If you have any doubts just contact me!

How to combine colors at home to create a palette that makes the environments unique?

Let’s see it together!

Color is a very powerful element with a deep psychological meaning (I tell about it here) that allows expressing one’s personality!

Proper use of color in the home will allow you to experience every room to the fullest because you will always feel represented!


Let’s start with color theory, which divides all colors into three categories:

Primary colors: red, yellow, and blue
They are colors that cannot be produced by mixing other colors.

Secondary colors: orange, green, and purple,
they are obtained by mixing 2 primary colors (green, for example, is obtained by mixing yellow and blue!).

Tertiary colors: the six colors obtained by mixing a primary color with an adjacent secondary color.


These three categories of colors, put together, form what is called the color wheel, and it is the one we will use to figure out how best to match colors!


Before we look at the various possible combinations, I would also like to give a very brief explanation of some of the terms that are used when talking about color:

saturation or intensity: indicates the intensity and strength of the color.
We could say that it indicates color in its purest form; the more saturated a color is, the more vivid and bright it will be; the less saturated it is, the more muted, softened… tending to gray!

hue: it is the pure color.

tint: it is a color to which white has been added, which has therefore been lightened.

tone: it is a color to which gray has been added.

shade: it is a color to which black has been added.

In the color wheel, we find, for each color, its hue, tone, and shade.


Finally, colors are still divided into warm colors and cool colors:

warm colors range from yellow to violet-red and are so defined because they are associated with the heat of the fire and the sun.

cool colors range from purple to green-yellow, which are so defined because they are associated with the sea, sky, and glaciers.


After making this necessary introduction, let’s now see the possible combinations!


You choose a single color, but of this color, you use the various tints, tones, and shades.

It’s a scheme that definitely emphasizes that color a lot!

To avoid the risk of falling into monotony, I recommend playing with different patterns, fabrics, and sùrfaces to add movement!

Also, remember to add natural fabrics or metals to give more three-dimensionality.



2) Matching by ANALOGY


Once you have chosen a color, you match it with those immediately to its right and left on the color wheel.

These colors are also called adjacent colors.

Having the same undertone it will give a sense of harmony to the color scheme.

There is also the extended analogy, that is combining the first two colors to the right and left of the chosen color.

This combination will make the color scheme a bit more dynamic than the pure analog.

(credit AD)



3) matching by COMPLEMENTARIES


In this type of combination, you choose the colors that are at opposite poles of the color wheel.

It is a decidedly dynamic, high-contrast combination, so it is a good idea to use it in small doses or at least calm it down with neutral colors!





It’s the combination of a color with the two colors on the right and the left of the direct complementary.

Also, in this case, calming the contrast with neutrals is a good rule!



5) TRIADIC matching

As for matching by analogy or split complementaries, you use three colors, which are obtained by drawing an equilateral triangle in the color wheel.

The primary colors and secondary colors form, between them, a triadic!

That is a dynamic and often unusual pairing!



There is a small rule that might be useful in matching colors of these various combinations to the best effect: namely, the 60-30-10 rule.

It means choosing one color as the “dominant” color and using it 60% of the room, perhaps on walls and in larger items.

Another color will be secondary and used at 30%, perhaps in curtains and less large items such as an ottoman.

Finally, one color will be an “accent” color and used at 10%, perhaps in pillows and objects.

6) TETRADIC matching

It is a 4-color match that you obtain by drawing a rectangle or square in the color wheel.

Honestly not an easy match that might give pleasing results, but the risk of a loud and unpleasant result is just around the corner!

(credit nzawa)

(credit Ingrid Rasmussen)


Before concluding, let me point out a few suggestions:

– it does not have to be all colorful: if you are a person who likes neutrals but you are drawn to these color schemes, you can include them in small elements, in decorations, such as pictures and pillows, in textiles, and other objects.

– with shrewdness and moderation, you can combine several palettes: for example, in a predominantly monochromatic room, you can give vibrancy with objects and decorations that have another type of palette, perhaps complementary!

– if you have different colors in the various rooms, tie them together with an accent color: it will act as a common thread making the various rooms, more harmonious and balanced.

For any doubts, do not hesitate to write to me in the comments, or book your consultancy!

Today I would like to tackle the topic of “trends” with you, even in furniture, in fact, I would like to explain to you why in home furnishings you should NEVER chase the fashion of the moment!


Most people tend to be heavily influenced by the fashion of the moment when they buy something.

So, we find ourselves wanting high-rise jeans at all costs, although we never dreamed of buying them just a couple of years before!

In fact, do you know what is the peculiar feature of fashion?

It is passing.

Some last a few months, others drag on for years.

But every fashion, by definition, sooner or later, will be forced to give way to the next.

Besides, how many clothes do you have in the closet that you wouldn’t wear even today under torture?

Do you see? This is exactly how it works.

A certain trend has a short life: sooner or later it will be replaced by another.


But, even if we can also accept putting in a corner a pair of jeans or an old-fashioned dress, the same cannot be said with some types of purchases.

I am referring, in particular, to purchases which, on the one hand, require a large investment and, on the other, will be part of our life for a long time.

Let’s take the furnishings.

Did you know that home furnishings are also heavily influenced by current trends?

I am sure you will have noticed the constant presence of furniture that recalls the past, which even appears used or worn to meet a style called Shabby Chic.

Would you have ever imagined, a few years ago, finding this type of furniture in stores?

And who knows what the near future holds for us!


When it comes to decorating your home, chasing a fashion isn’t a problem in itself.

So why in the furniture should you never have to follow the fashion of the moment?

The problem arises whenever the conditioning of fashion also wins over what makes us feel represented.

It is one thing to invest in a style that is fashionable and, at the same time, it is in tune with the type of person you are, another is to let fashion take on an overwhelming role, forcing you to put aside your real desires .

In the latter scenario, try to imagine how you could live in your home when the fashion of the moment will be replaced with another diametrically opposite.

And you know for sure that it will happen!

Don’t you think you would have the feeling of being a guest in someone else’s house?

That it would be extremely difficult to feel comfortable?

Finally, don’t you think you would do anything to replace those furnishings?

I understand you, though.

Momentary trends can be very captivating.

They are beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, and being tempted is easy.


When it comes to the place where you will have to spend your life with your family, however, the aesthetic side is not enough.

It is very important, it is true.

But it cannot be the only element you evaluate.

If you did, you would run the risk of not feeling represented by your own home!

What is nothing but a nest in which you can truly be yourself.

So why don’t you try to furnish your home, giving equal importance to the aesthetic side and to the one most related to the sensations?

Do you think that many of my clients, at the beginning of our collaboration, think that I remember a psychologist very much!

Because all my work is born with the discovery of the person in front of me.

A deep analysis to understand what is the best way to make it feel welcomed within your family environment.

Which may, however, coincide with current fashion.

Or not.

What matters, as I said, is not current fashion, for which everyone can have their own opinion, but the creation of a place that makes us want to go home.


So always be careful when you go to buy the furniture for your home.

Do not let yourself be attracted by a particular trend (nor by the words of a seller who will do everything to make you buy what is fashionable) but let your sensations guide you.

Only in this way can you really feel at home.

Following the fashion of the moment to furnish your home is a bit like decorating by copying the images you see on interiors or in sector newspapers…  You would have a house that does not represent you!

And, if you think it’s too complicated to be able to do it alone, you know I’m at your disposal.

Just send me a message.